

we the people flag: Expectations vs. Reality

We the people are one of those groups of people that have the hardest time with social media. We get so used to getting our media through the lens of our own opinionated, self-absorbed, and emotionally-driven world, that we forget the other person. We forget that we are not alone.

We the people are also one of those groups of society where, despite the fact that we are a huge part of the world, it seems like a very small part of our collective consciousness. In fact, we are one of the largest groups of humans that don’t have any real way of communicating or reaching out to anyone else or even acknowledging the importance of our existence.

Like the general public, we are one of the few groups of people who are very aware of just how powerful we are and how little we really count in the scheme of things. As a result, we often try to hide our self-awareness. It’s a good thing too, because it means that it’s not necessary to rely so much on people to do our thinking for us.

There is a reason why we are the largest group of humans that dont have any real way of communicating or reaching out to anyone else or even acknowledging the importance of our existence.

We are what we are. That is, we are what we are and that is all.

The one thing that stands out in that statement is the word, “what.” We are all one. We’re all one. We are as one. And that’s all. There is no difference between the one that you are and the one that others are. That’s what makes us so powerful. That’s what makes it so easy to hide from others. That’s why you can’t hide from us.

We do a lot of the same things as the one in the quote above, but we do it in a way that makes us sound like a bunch of assholes. It’s a form of communication that allows us to pretend that we’re not so powerful and that we’re not doing what we do. We’re not. Not really. But we aren’t. So we pretend that we’re not. And that’s the thing that makes us so powerful.

We are the ones who are not. We are the ones who have made it so easy for those that are not to catch us. We are the ones that have made it so easy for others to keep us hidden from ourselves. We are the ones that know that there are people out there that don’t like us. But we arent. We are the ones that do nothing, and we are the ones that know that we could never take that power away.

The best part about being a part of the People of the United States of America is the fact that you are free to do whatever you want in life. Even if you dont like it, you can do what you want. We, along with our fellow citizens, are the ones that take away this freedom. And when we do, we are the ones that are not.

We are the ones who are trying to take away freedom like we took away the power to vote. We are the ones who make our laws, but we are the ones that dont follow them. We are the ones that make laws that we cant enforce. We are the ones that have no idea what we are talking about. We are the ones that believe that we are better people than other people. We are the ones that believe that we deserve more than we have.

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