This is not my name. I’m not a minion. My name is, in fact, M. J. Fowlkes. I’m a minion.
This is the name of an enemy in the game. It’s a cursed minion, basically. This is a minion who has a tendency to go around and kill people, mostly innocent bystanders. This is not a minion I can fight.
This is a minion. This is the name of an enemy in the game. Its a cursed minion, basically. This is a minion who has a tendency to go around and kill people, mostly innocent bystanders. This is not a minion I can fight.
M. J. Fowlkes is the name of a demon in the game. The game also hints that M. J. Fowlkes is not really a minion. It’s not clear if he’s a minion or not, but he’s certainly not a minion I can fight.
The only minion I can fight is the cursed minion. Its not clear what the curse is, but the fact that M. J. Fowlkes is cursed, not the minion, is a bad sign. M. J. Fowlkes is a very powerful demon in the game, so its not a surprise at all. I wonder if the devs are going to put a curse on the curse minion.
To prevent M. J. Fowlkes from being cursed, the devs have made him a human, but this means that he can still be a big pain in the ass to fight. He also has a very powerful curse that makes him very, very, aggressive. I’m hoping that he’s not going to be a curse minion for the rest of the game.
We don’t know if the curse minion will be a bad guy. We do know that he can be very, very difficult to battle, and that his boss fights will be particularly intense.
When the curse minion first appeared, he was a very strong minion, but he got tired of fighting everyone and decided to make a new party member. He was originally an old man, but he had a son that he wanted to play with as much as possible. He was very, very violent when he first appeared. He has since gotten rid of his son and is now a pretty nice guy who likes to cook cookies and play with his son.
The boss fights for the cursed minion are surprisingly brutal. You have to take on the boss of the next group in the party and then you have to battle the boss of the group after that and so on. It’s pretty hard for someone like me who’s not quite as tough as the boss to take on.